Delicious healthy food -dishes
With the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic, interests have sparked in consuming healthier foods for the improvement, maintenance and preservation of a healthy body, mind and spirit. The food village within the festival has always been active for the reason that patrons sought to familiarize themselves with food and beverages that are healthier and more natural than the options generally available. The reviews on the food village are as significant as the festival itself, which promotes a holistic, healthier lifestyle which includes the nourishment provided by the foods eaten.
Rebel Salute has maintained a strict no-meat, no-alcohol policy that has set the event apart from all others, since its inception. Fueled by this policy, the food village boasts delicious delectable dishes, culinary insights and unique dining experiences which are healthier for the body.
The festival is renowned for offering delicious healthy food -dishes showcasing another side of our richly diverse Jamaican cuisine.
With the exception of fish, the village is dominated by vegetarian, vegan and live food. Saluters are taken on a culinary adventure from the wide array of delectable dishes to feed their appetite from dusk till dawn. To name a few: stew, ackee and saltfish mixed vegetables, vegetable chunks with beans, curry tofu, bammy, live burgers and pizzas made from natural seeds and organic milks such as coconut milk, almond milk, nut milk etc, complemented by natural juices from fruits and vegetables – some prepared on the spot -are also available.
There are fruits galore, including oranges, sugar cane and bananas, and the festival would not be complete without Jamaica’s famous coconut water and jelly.
Rebel Salute festival has always been a champion for promoting healthy lifestyles and has echoed a NO MEAT NO ALCOHOL philosophy that is continuously represented as the heart of this annual festival. Rebel Salute Food Village continues to provide opportunities to showcase Jamaica’s multicultural food heritage, explore new culinary innovations and profile local talents.